
Sunday, 2 June 2013

Inner self's mask

Quick introduction about the House Alexander McQueen which just got a full-rework of the design of their website which is now just amazing, you can follow different experiences through their videos of collections (you don't have to look at now! You have everything and even more on their own experience page)

A designer that I really like is Sarah Burton, I cannot say how much I love her work, sadly she stills in the shadow of Lee, obviously she cannot have the same fame as Raf or Slimane but she is playing at the same level. From her last collections at Alexander McQueen as his successor she made an amazing work and something really caught my attention, in every season collection (so excluding Pre-Fall and Cruise) models have their head covered by a mask. An example picked among past collections (from right to left) AW12, AW13 and SS12. I would have an idea of the why, as we all know that in Fashion the arty side of the DA are really important and we know that Lee was really special, like a butterfly stuck in his cocoon (is that why we can find so many times the butterfly print?). I will not try to relate it to the death of L.McQueen but I can imagine that this trend is there to carry an idea, a phenomenon that sometimes you cannot fully express yourself through your creation, your are trapped by your environment.

(from right to left) SS12 (yes another one), SS13 and an example of the PAW12 that I really like and which confirm this trend inside the house to wear a mask only for the core collection. When Lee was still alive he covered some models with a hat covering the whole head of the model but not all of them just few for each catwalk, and now S.Burton is covering every single head which will pass through the catwalk. 


  1. I must say that Sarah Burton is doing a fine job continuing the aesthetic with her own style. I'm glad that she doesn't do the runway shows in the style of Lee because I feel that his shows were performance art and they were truly his own creation. Spring 2013's honeycomb and bee designs are my favorite from Sarah even though all of them are amazing. The quality of each collection gives the clothing an ethereal and luxurious meaning.


    1. Weston, my dear, I have to admit Lee was sometimes too arty during his shows and she did not try to imitate him but she is doing her work and I think it is in harmony with what Lee did The luxurious quality of these shows is wonderful, each time I look at some pictures from these past shows (Sarah) I am in love.

  2. Hey! Found your blog at IFB. That's very good post. Thank you for sharing!

    x, Daria

  3. She is strikingly talented. Ah yes the debate rages on, on what is inspiration and what is "copying" in the work of all design and creativity.

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

    1. Yes she is really talented, no one can't deny it.
