
Thursday, 24 May 2012

The Print is back.

Everyone knows Versace and its extravagant taste for prints. Most of  you said that you will never wear this. But due to the success of the Versace x HM collaboration (it's not a fact, but I'm pretty sure it does from somewhere) the print is, for the Spring/Summer 2012, a must-have in your dressing.
To come along with your formal wears of the week, you will be able to put some drawings and colours on your shirt for the week-end. Just look at the Prada shirt, inspired by a cartoon, or the Burberry "ikat" trousers, which is a more abstract aztec pattern.

Burberry SS12 Ikat trouser

As the first sight, it could be hard to match it with your outfit, but it doesn't really need to. The printed clothes is here to be unsuited, to be spotted at the first sight:
"Hey yo, I'm not correctly matched, come on and argue with that I'm a printed shirt/trouser, and this is how I want to be worn."
-Signed the printed shirt

1 comment:

  1. I'm not really a fan of this print trend particularly on trousers I must say. It may be just because I don't think it would suit my body, I'm not a tall person so prints don't really compliment me at all.
